Hello, divine soul… welcome.


My name is Sabrina Wenzel. I am the creator of Tripl3 Moon, a yoga teacher and a modern witch. My intention is to share self love with the world. With the ancient, yet timeless teachings of both Yoga and Witchcraft, it is my goal to teach others how to harmonize their mind, body and soul.

When harmony is achieved, you become aligned with your highest self.

Tripl3 Moon Yoga courses are designed to help anyone incorporate more mindful practices into their lives, no matter how busy their schedule. The e-courses make the lessons and e-book easily accessible and available on all of your devices. If you prefer a more hands-on approach, try The Goddess Within Yoga Course Box, which includes a paperback copy of the workbook as well as all of the materials you’ll need to complete the included self-love rituals.


I have been practicing “witchcraft” for most of my life. My name was linked with “Sabrina the Witch”, a popular comic series, which caused me to become curious about the idea of magic. I read every book I could get my hands on that included topics of manifesting, astral projecting and spirits. I’ve learned to read tarot cards and have familiarized myself with many materials known to have energetic properties such as crystals and plants. Exploring shadow-work and understanding one’s self led me on a path of healing so that I could then become a healer.
My practices then led me to Yoga, which felt so connected to everything I was already interested in. I have found that many of the teachings of witchcraft and yoga overlap. Both practices give incredible groundwork to approach healing the body and mind. Tripl3 Moon is a safe and sacred space for learning, healing and evolving.

So thank you for joining me, please make yourself at home as we seek our highest selves together.

Brightest Blessings,

Sabrina Wenzel - 700hr CYT